If you'd like to listen to this article, you can do so here: The Beauty and Energy of ScotlandIt's very unusual for me to be writing to you about a place I recently traveled to, but I think it's so vitally important to humanity at this time, and to you - as a reader of this blog - as you surely have interests in the evolution, growth and expansion of us all. I hadn't planned on going to Scotland at all. In fact, only a month prior I had decided that I was "done traveling" and now wanted to stay home and focus on my work, fulfilling the purpose I came here to fulfill. But there I was again, booking a flight to leave in a few days' time, and all of it was being guided from above. I got some news from an important channel that there would be an energetic event happening there. I felt so moved by her message, I did some preliminary research, then set it all up and left quite quickly. What a trip! On Earth as it is in Heaven I had such an amazing time while I was there, even though it was such a short trip. Just 4 nights, 5 days! But the beauty and significance of the trip was what really got me, and I'm still processing a lot of it although it is still just 3 weeks ago that I went. So let me back up and tell you why... As you may be aware, I've been listening to and paying a great deal more attention to what is happening in the cosmos as it affects us all here on Earth. The astrologers have been speaking about our time since the beginning of time, and the more I learn the more I realize how significant it is that we are alive here on this Earth at this time. I do believe that each and every one of us has chosen to be here during this great time of change and to play a role in supporting humanity's huge leap of evolution. The skies above us are positioning the planets and outer galaxies all for our support. This is why I continually insist that your spiritual life should come above all else, simply so that you stay in your flow and all other areas of your life will fall into place as a result. In this way, life becomes much easier and without much struggle. But it does require paying attention to the signs and the signals you are being given to follow. Probably the number one question I get is "Well how do you know?" And this question comes from the result of a hap-hazard spiritual practice. You can't know if you're not regularly connected, as you'll continually get conflicting messages. One from above, then one from below. The idea here is, for the best life possible, just listen to the one from above. Roslyn Chapel, Roslin, Scotland I want to make it clear that I am not an astrologer, but I do inform myself enough to follow the guidance being given and understand what's going on. It assists me and my clients as well when we all have a better understanding of what we're being called to do, and at what time to do it. If it's time to lie down and take a nap, then that's what we do. If it's time to click into creativity, then let's do that. If we need to be exploring the health of our relationships, well, let's get at it! All of these impulses are prescribed in the Heavens above us, and have influential impulses running through our lives. All is in Divine Order, and when we know what that order is, and feel into and follow it, our lives flow so much more easily. The River North Esk at Roslin Glen So I was listening to one of my favorite Astrologers, Pam Gregory, and once in a while she interviews other people she finds have very valuable knowledge. I always enjoy Pam's wisdom (double Pisces) and who she brings on board to interview never disappoints. This time it was Magenta Pixie, a woman who has written several books and is a known channel. I am very discerning about channels now, as I've spent decades only reading channeled material. Not all channeling is equal as you might surmise, but the small percentage that is from a very high level is very, very good. God provided humanity with 'prophets' - channels - on Earth to assist those who are seeking for higher knowledge and wisdom. There are many, many good channels here on Earth now, and there have always been. Pam sent in questions before the video interview, and then Magenta came back with the answers. One of the questions Pam asked (you can view this video on YouTube here) was, "What was the significance of this particular Summer Solstice in Cancer, given that it was the last one prior to the shift of the nodes in July?" Magenta had lots of really valuable information, and I found myself glued to every word. If you can watch this video, you might also find it very interesting. Her source of information made it quite clear that a massive energetic portal was going to be opening on Earth, precisely on the Rose Line (Ley line) in Scotland at precisely 3:33 pm on the Summer Solstice, June 21st. She went on further to say that:
Pam confirmed that in her interviews with others, there have already been many massive solar flares coming to earth; that the geo-magnetics have been off the charts (The Schumann Resonance Reports); and her dowsing friends have confirmed that the Ley lines are becoming stronger and wider by the year. Wow. Magenta went on to say that many people would be going through complete life changes and that many already have started this process. (Do you know a number of people who are completely changing their lives at this time? Is yours starting to feel different?) This video felt so moving to me. It just struck me that I needed to be there, if I could do it. I was more than 'just curious' about this event even though it was only 5 days away! I have been delivering The Global Energetic Downloads since 2008, and although they are currently on pause, I know and see and feel what energetic downloads are. They are the extreme of the extreme of Divine Love coming to us for our highest evolution. It can become quite addicting to be connected to the Source of Divine Love, and I was so moved by this message, I decided to just have a quick look at flights. And then hotels. And then locations of where to go and how to get there. And before I knew it I was on a plane to Scotland a few days later, and then on a bus to Roslin. Whew! It all happened so fast. And, at the same time, I never make these swift decisions without also checking in first to see and hear if this is the right thing to do. "Is this right? Shall I go?" And all along the way, I kept seeing the number "333", letting me know that all was on track and to keep moving forward. Magenta said the time of the opening of this portal would be 3:33 pm, even though the actual solstice is at 3:30 pm. 3 threes are put together to form the sign of a Rose. 333 has been known as Christ Consciousness, but I also know the Rose is a symbol signifying the presence of Mary. All the signs were showing up for me in confirmation that this was right: The cost of my flight was $333. The number of reviews of the hotel I booked was 333. After making all arrangements, I finally went to bed, and what time did the oven clock say? "3:33!" There were so many more insertions of this number all leading up to the event, I knew I was exactly on track! All I had to do now was "Trust". And, I did. I'd never been to Scotland, and here I was literally going on a moment's notice. I have to interject here that I am so grateful for my life on a daily basis. I am so grateful for the freedom that I have. For the guidance I receive, for the creativity that flows through! We are all extraordinary beings, and if there is anything I would wish for everyone, it is to find the freedom and creativity within themselves. That which is desiring to express through you. You will find such joy in your everyday living! The exterior of Roslyn Chapel There is so much to tell about being in this chapel, which all seemed like a dream come true. Ever since reading "The DaVinci Code" years ago, I knew I wanted to visit one day. But I never planned for it to be now! More importantly than IN the chapel, was what Magenta guided us to look out for: "The exact location of the portal is not going to be the most obvious or expected spot, but just beyond... a ½ mile away. Somewhere hidden. It is sacred, and not a public or well-frequented site. Those who are guided will know where to go." When I looked at the map, I felt drawn to go to the river. But throughout my journey there I just kept affirming that I would "know where to go, and exactly where to be". The interior of Roslyn Chapel As expected, the Chapel was quite crowded. It was the Summer Solstice, and apparently I wasn't the only one in the world aware of that, nor that the Chapel has sacred energies. But I did not expect busloads of people, Americans from Santa Cruz, nor Italians and Spanish and even Germans there! It was really astounding for me to see all those people gathered to be at the Chapel for Summer Solstice! So before the appointed time of 3:33 pm, I knew I needed to be somewhere else. All the tour times of the Chapel were full and standing room only. After sitting for a while in one of the pews, admiring all the workmanship that it took to create such a magnificent place, I also realized how many people had come there to pray over the last 600 years. Whenever a place has received so many humans over the years, who have reached up to God to seek higher understandings, you can feel and sense that energy. It's in the air, the stone, the glass windows. It's the energy of place. I offered respect and gratitude, and after soaking it all in, I said goodbye to all the people, and went off on a journey on foot. Hiking through Roslin Glen Just behind the Chapel is Roslin Castle, situated in Roslin Glen. I just knew I wanted to be submersed in nature, and closer to the river for this special time. Oh the trees! They are so tall and so old and so powerful and magnificent! I wondered at all they had seen over the centuries. As I walked, I simply kept following my intuition about where to turn, which fork to take, and how far to go along until suddenly, I paused as I arrived at a clearing, just above the river. And as soon as I turned the corner, I felt the energy hit me like a powerful wave. I had to pause. It stopped me in my tracks. There was nothing special to see in particular, except this ancient rock wall with a tree growing above it. The roots of the tree stretched down, were exposed and then ultimately reached into the earth. It was a strange-looking cove, however, what I felt is that many, many ancient rituals and ceremonies had been conducted there. Calling the power of the Heavens to come down to the Earth, right there. I wondered about Druids, the legend of Merlin, but more likely priests and priestesses of an earlier time. It didn't really matter who or what, just that the residual vortices were still very present. Roslin Glen Country Park, Roslin, Scotland What mattered is that I felt as though this was the place where I should be to honor this happening, and that is exactly what I did. I just planted myself on a rock there and connected with Source, lifted up, and prayed. I prayed to be a conduit for humanity in whatever capacity I could. I prayed that all of humanity could ultimately receive this Divine Love that flowed from Source and that as a whole, we could all be uplifted. And if there was any way I could be of assistance with that, I was dedicated and made myself available to assist. I also sensed that this intention was all that was needed. I knew that I didn't need to have a knock-me-down experience at that moment, but that when I got back home to Munich, and had a chance to settle in, this energetic "package" that I received would have the opportunity to "un-package" itself and communicate to me. And that is exactly what has been happening. At times I had to sleep for entire afternoons. Other times it was an energetic transformation I knew I was going through. I had body healing to do and discovered that the fascia running throughout our body is a matrix where we hold memories, even of that of our ancestors! And that by healing the fascia, we heal our bodies of those memories. And now, 3 weeks later, I've started writing material that comes as a single passage daily: The Rose Vortex is what is being compiled and I don't know how much is in store. It could be a long time! I am still unpacking the information and energy. I am formulating how I will share bits and pieces here in my newsletters and also on social media while a book is being formed. I feel so blessed! I will never forget this trip, and have already booked flights for another, in August. I truly fell in love with this land, and all the friendly, heart-centered Scots that live there. 😌 My work is alive and well and I feel so prompted to revive a certain offer that includes energy work and mentoring. I just feel the energies that are flowing through me are much more potent now, as that is exactly what has been delivered to humanity! We all have incredible powers, and it is my gift to offer you mine. So we have two different versions of a 30-day packages available. One is called "Premium Light Attunements" - where you will get to receive what I have received - and the other is called "The Big Kahuna". This is primarily focused on an Energetic Transformation Session, which nullifies all subconscious traumas - be they yours or your ancestors - which then has the effect of freeing to be completely your true Self, without the chains of the past holding you back. Sound cool? IT IS! Click on either image to learn more, or just click the button below. I look forward to serving whoever is next and ready to receive! Much Love and many Blessings, PS. If you're interested in a 6-month program, you can email me privately here or read more about "Life Elevation Breakthrough" here.
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September 2023