I'm not sure the artist of this image - Melina Del Mar - intended for the flash of her camera to leave a reflection on her painting. However the resulting photograph depicts beautifully how, when we are Connected to Source, we have a guiding Light right in front of us, directly connected to our own inner light. The caption on the image read that we are in the Age of the Divine Feminine, where "Woman is now bowing to her Inner Teacher. She is receiving the Wisdom of the Spirit from within her own Heart." I was reading last night in the book, "Secrets of Attraction" by Sandra Anne Taylor that when we are calling for love in our lives, the spiritual principle we want to look at is The Law of Magnetism. I recognized that this word magnetism was intuitively what I had chosen in the title of my course Magnetize Your Beloved. I knew that whatever we are holding inside, especially as women, is exactly what we will be drawing in to our lives in the area of love, money or anything else! The Masculine and the Feminine Energies, Part III: Engage the Higher Realms & Spark Your Own Genius7/24/2012
Just prior to sitting down to write this post today, I was trying to gather my thoughts.
Usually an idea simply comes to me, and the words just spill out in an easy flow. But this time it wasn’t happening. I found myself pacing all over the house and the pieces of sentences weren’t congealing into coherent whole that made any sense.
Last week in my blog post, "Coaching Men, Coaching Women," I discussed how I use the latest studies in brain chemistry and hormones that show how differently men and women are 'wired' to support my clients in my coaching practice.
Our chemistry and physiology not only can have an impact on how we think and perceive, but also what makes us feel good about ourselves and motivates us in our lives.
I've recognized over the years that men are entirely different creatures than women are. IMAGINE THAT?!
Yes, it sure can take a while, but in the end we do learn something over the course of our lives, don't we? We may have started recognizing the way boys are different from girls when we were 3 - 4 years old; from that point on, we've walked forward in an unfolding journey, one that has coursed through our lives, teaching us the myriad ways in which men and women think, act, behave and are motivated by entirely different impulses in their lives. |
September 2023