I received an email from a client today, explaining that she had decided to write to the president, her senators, and representatives in congress regarding her thoughts on what we should do in Syria. Regardless of what her opinion was, what I admired is that she took action and wrote. This is not the type of client that is constantly verbose about her opinions, spouting them everywhere with irreverence towards how they affect other people. This client is a thoughtful, secure, conscious individual who takes her thoughts and her words, seriously. I was moved not only by her taking action, but that she said her motivation to do so was based on her attendance last night at the Global Energetic Download, a channeled meditation event I do once a month. As she is a regular client of mine and she's also been a regular attendee, she has been gleaning the benefits of these downloads, month by month. And with each month, greater personal and spiritual growth has been achieved. While so many of us think that our spiritual lives are completely separate and different from our personal and political lives, I do not. They are inextricably linked. There is not one aspect of our lives that is separate from the other. And neither are we, separated as individuals to each other, no matter where in the world we may be. This has been our spiritual teaching for some time: we are all One. We are all connected to each other through an invisible web of consciousness and energy. And several scientists now have been proving this to be the truth. But where do we stand when a conflict arises in a far off land? One that has little to do with our daily lives here and now? Are we separated? We know that as we continue to infuse our spiritual learning into our daily lives, we begin to understand that we are inextricably linked. What is going on in Syria is a humanitarian crises, one that so many are hearing about, and without a doubt there are countless others around the world as well. But as we rise up as a human family, and evolve around what we deem acceptable and tolerable in the world, we raise the bar on what we can tolerate, and decide what must be stopped. This is the crisis in decision that we are in now. We all know we don't want to tolerate these kinds of actions. Truth be told, we, as humans, have learned lessons from the past and have evolved forward. But our crisis point now is what are we going to do about it? This is really important for me to express as a spiritually oriented being, that our humanity springs forth from our desires to be closer to God, to bring God into situations, into our lives, and begin to live from a place of what is the highest and best for us as a human family. When we can see these things for what they really are, we can call forth a greater power and actually have the effect of stopping continued and repeated suffering under the hands of laws and dictatorships that exist without the knowledge and the power of the spirit that resides within all of us. So when my friend, who has awakened her spirituality, suddenly decides she is going to express her opinion, politically, to her president and her representatives in congress, she is taking ownership of her wisdom, and putting it into action. She is taking a step that she knows how to take, and expressing her voice in a mired and difficult situation we can all appreciate. She is choosing not to remain silent and keep it within. For those of us who carry wisdom, expressing that wisdom as we deem appropriate is our consciousness rising. For too many of us, remaining silent is the easy choice. We keep it within. We hold on for dear life to our thoughts and opinions, afraid to ruffle the draft of the status quo that exists. As wisdom keepers, we shy away from conflict, so it's not easy to speak up. We don't care for the limelight, we don't care to shine our light too brightly, so we choose to keep our light within. Many of us spend a great deal of time activating and growing our spirituality, even on a daily basis. We work to look within when the exterior of our lives in reflecting back situations we do not like. We take responsibility, we change, we learn, we grow and expand. The result of that expanded spirituality is wisdom. I believe we are living in a very tumultuous time, whether we consider ourselves to be political beings or not. We are seeing all news, from everywhere, instantly. It has never been like this before in the history of humanity. I also believe that this isn't an accident, and that we are being called to evolve, to bring our humanity into situations, and activate our spirituality in the here and now to affect outcomes for the betterment of all. In our channeled energetic download last night, we were reminded that if we act as a group, we have the power and the ability to affect situations around the world. That it does not matter what is close or what is far - we are all interconnected: You have powers in group form to take and transition many aspects of your world. We are reminded of this power of group intention and action often in these downloads. It reminds us that, “When two or more are gathered”, is exactly when we can begin to transform situations outside of ourselves.
I’d like to invite you to consider activating your own force within, and allow it to guide you on what you may do next, to assist in the transformation and upliftment of humanity.
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September 2023