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I know this is always such a special time of year, when everyone is talking about Love. Whether you are single or in a relationship doesn't really matter. Love does not fall exclusively into the realm of those who are encoupled, and even being in a couple does not guarantee that love is there.
"Love is in the air" is famously sung in a popular song, and in reality, it is true. Love is in the air. It's in the air, it's in the water, it's in our food; it's in all things around us. It's in what you see and what you don't see. It's in you, it's in me, and it is in between all of us. It is what the world is made of, but we do not always see it or know it. If you want to find love, have it in your life and in your mind, and have it fill you up, you must begin with you. How many of you long for a love that comes from outside of you? Is it really possible to experience it, if you don't already have love inside of you, for yourself? In one of the more recent Global Energetic Downloads (the vibrational meditations I do twice monthly) we discussed love, and Spirit offered up to us some very practical guidance on how to use love to heal just about anything we can think of: situations, relationships, and ourselves. It is the balm, the salve that soothes all the rough edges, wherever those may be for you in your life. I invite you to invite more love into your life, by spending time contemplating it, and bringing it into you. I invite you to appreciate yourself more, even more than you might do now, and to appreciate all of the natural world around you. Appreciate your friends, your partnerships, and your jobs or not-jobs. Appreciate your community, your church or synagog, or your spiritual family of friends. Appreciate God in all of the little things, and you will see a sprouting of love come forth from within you. For who could not be in love when filled with the appreciation of love all around and within? I wish you these beautiful blessings of love in your life this wonderful Valentine's Day. "Magnetize My Love" is one of the powerful energetic gemstone necklaces I have in my shop. It's made up of high-quality and high-clarity Rose Quartz, high-clarity and richly-colored Ruby, and Rock Crystal Quartz to amplify it all. It has been made using the science and channeled information coming from Gemisphere Luminary by Michael Katz. This is the information that grabbed me so strongly, it catapulted me into Gemology school to become a Graduate Gemologist! Check out this and the many other offerings to support your own energetic transformation in my shop here. One of the highest-frequency substances we know of is the essential oil of Rose. It takes 2500 pounds of organic Bulgarian Rose petals to create one ounce of oil. Young Living's "Joy" essential oil blend has Rose as one of its primary ingredients, and it is phenomenal. Wear it over your heart, and start every day in a beautiful, loving mood. Shop some of my favorite emotional oil blends here. If you are seeking someone special for a new love in your life, I do have a private eight-week program available for clients where we clear your past, heal your heart, and open you up to receiving the right love for you. If you are tired of attracting the wrong ones, or not attracting anyone at all, it just may be that there is healing in your heart being called for, and that healing is always possible and available for you. The first step is to Book a Discovery Session with me, and let's see what's going on. I'll also share with you the details of the program, so you can decide if this is the time to move forward with this aspect of your life. Much Love and Many Blessings this Valentine's Day!
Suzanne Goulet is a Spiritual Healer and Life Coach, focusing on the fundamentals of happiness: Love, Health, Creativity, Expansion, and Faith.
Her work provides lasting and deep changes for recipients ready to let go of the past and move forward with a new day. Learn more about her Energetic Transformation Sessions and Life Coaching Programs.
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September 2023