Photo & flower arrangement by Debbie Jones Raising the bar on what we heal...Once again we've seen in the world another 'terrorist' attack, with innocent victims killed - this time young, teenage girls - and we are drawn to ask why. Why? Why this insanity and how much longer will it be going on? Will it ever go away? Will the 'terrorists' ever be stopped? The government approach is to 'root them out', and hopes to kill them all off. They are seen as 'the enemy', a security risk, the scourge of humanity. There is no doubt that what occurred is completely despicable. The tragedy of loss for parents who have invested so much in their children, just to see them taken away in such senselessness is beyond understanding, and has caused so much heartache and pain. But what can we do? If you're a healer, a helper, a service provider, you want to help. There is something inside of you that was born to help. You came here to heal humanity, to help save the world, and it has always been inside of you to have that desire. When I look at this event from a higher spiritual perspective - one that has been informed by my studies in A Course in Miracles - I know that all of humanity is One. I know that what hurts my brother, hurts me. And when we truly understand that we are all connected, that energetically we make up one body of what A Course in Miracles calls 'the Son of God', we know that anger, rage, and desperation when fueled by isolation and a need for belonging get twisted, there develops a hatred toward what is seen as community, belonging and love.
What we currently see as options for solutions in the outside world seems only to come from governments with weapons, with a desire to destroy. Isn't this also sometimes the approach we take to our own inner demons, that we want to "get rid of"? We want to "destroy" them. We want them to go away. We want to 'get rid of them' as soon as we can, so that we can be 'more spiritual'. When I'm talking about demons, I am referring to anything that you cannot tolerate within yourself. Your fear, anxiety, greediness, hatred, jealousy. If we want to heal the larger whole - the entire energy body of the Son of God - we need to look within ourselves, and heal our own terror. We have to find our own fears, and get to the root of where we think they come from. THAT is what is connecting us all - the root of our fears. "But Suzanne, I don't feel like doing that. I want to stay in my happy place." I'm OK with that. In fact, I ENCOURAGE it. What you need to know about healing is that you don't to go looking for it, it will come to you. You'll be struck by something in your world that suddenly strikes at your core, and you will know exactly at that time, that you have some healing to do there. Look at underlying fear, and you will see what needs to be transformed. Staying in your happy place, is exactly where I would like you to be. And the more you are there, guess what? A few things may come up that need your love, need your healing, and I am suggesting that THAT is what you take care of. If you want to do your part in healing the world, heal yourself first and foremost, all the time.
If you'd like help or assistance with anything I've mentioned above, please use my calendar to book a free Clarity call below, and we'll see what we can do to provide the support you're looking for. Much Love and Many Blessings ~
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September 2023