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Lately, we have been going through a great deal of inner turmoil, as the astrological configurations are demanding us to do. Not only is Mercury in retrograde, but so is Mars, and they are both falling in the time frame of Libra moving into Scorpio.
Scorpio demands that we go deep, and un-clutter our subconscious by healing those places that need more love. Perfect timing for Halloween. Right? Not. It never feels like perfect timing to do the hard work... does it? When the astrological configurations are such that it asks us to go deeper both globally and personally, you can count on very demanding times in your life. These can often look like a number of areas in your external life simply not working like they should; not moving forward normally as they always do, and everything you try to do simply gets stalled! I'm here to tell you, it's not just you. It's been like this for everyone lately, and if you're on a spiritual path, you know better than to simply ignore it, or 'hope it goes away soon'. Blaming things on "Mercury retrograde" can only go so far, and you know it! There is a reason for these retrogrades, and if we find the divine order of things a bit well - uncomfortable - wait until you see what would happen if you didn't look deeper, and just kept yourself in a very frustrated state. But you know better, and I'm glad that you do. I'm sure you're thinking by now, "enough is enough!" at this point, and adding fuel to your inner fire is not helping. It's for this reason I wanted to share a lot about how I've navigated this terrain, so that if it offers any insights to anyone, perhaps it can help. First of all, it was a lot of work! But I am so cleared now, and renewed, and I want you to know that there is always a tremendous amount of benefit from clearing, and these can be your results as well.
New scaffolding going up right next to the old scaffolding coming down in my neighborhood. In fact, it's the view from my window, exactly when I was going through this!
Since I'm born under the sign of Aries, which is ruled by Mars, and Mars is in retrograde, the way I've experienced this is not only that my work is going backwards in some way, but that everything old and no longer going to be part of the future got gutted and eliminated. I wasn't planning on this, like, at all.
But suddenly I had to manage:
There are more things, but it's not going to make sense to list them all. I think you understand the gist of the movement here (or lack thereof, to be more precise.) What I went through was mind-boggling to me. Any one of those things would have been fine to handle by itself, or even two. With a bit of grumbling on my part, but doable nonetheless. But ALL OF THEM AT ONCE? No God, no. Please! Make this stop! All I wanted to do was launch some courses. Start teaching! There is a burning inside of me to get my voice out there, and fulfill a promise I made long ago, in some far off dimension, that this is what I would do in this lifetime, at this time! But nooo.... I guess I had to stop. Get rid of a lot of the past. Undo, and redo, everything foundational. Are you experiencing these massive restructuring changes in your life as well? Is everybody doing that? Or are they resisting, and just thinking about it instead? And what does this kind of unplanned 'undoing' cause someone to think who knows full well how to take responsibility for everything in her projection? (Yes, your reality is your projection. You create it. You create it all, without exception.)
So what I want to share that was more important than anything else, is the following:
All these points are coming to you from a perspective of my own experience, and of looking back at the chaos that was quite frustrating to me as well. But my results now? It's quite incredible and remarkable to me as well. I now have:
It's entirely a brand new foundation! Wow. It's exhausting just looking back on it all. Girl, we must all be strong in these times! And I know you can do this work too. And having guidance and help along the way isn't terrible either. This is what I'm here for, and this is why you're on my list. And every once in a while I get a nudge from Spirit letting me know that it's time to release more offers so that I can work with people privately one-on-one, and assist them through what they're going through as well. There are very few coaches who are also healers that would be able to take you through that gentle navigation it requires. Those who may be going through similar shifts, changes and struggles, very quietly, on your own while keeping a brave face through it all. Is that you? If it is, take a look at the options for private work together, and let's see if it's your time to get some support. All my love, A six-month program is designed for those who want to make a real, lifelong shift. You've had enough of languishing and feeling frustrated--now you want to get going. Maybe you already know getting support is a wise decision! With my skills and expertise, anything you want to accomplish is possible. Why wait any longer? Are you ready to commit to receiving the professional and private support you want and deserve? Much ❤️ & see you soon,
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September 2023