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Yes, I know we have an election happening this Tuesday--in the US that is--and it couldn’t be more crucial.
Both sides are riled up; high schoolers, college students, and even millennials are heading to the polls. In many states with the most competitive and important races, the early voting is already showing both parties to be neck and neck. But what does this mean for us? Are we going to "wait and see" what happens? I generally do not think this is a good idea. Don’t get me wrong…I’ll be staying up late here in Italy, just to see what happens for as long as I can! But waiting for others allows us to sit back and hope things will get better. And I truly do feel that our time has come to rise. All of us. Last week, when I looked deeply into the events that were going on with bombs being sent out and shootings in various places that were almost too horrific to believe, the first thing that came to mind was to ask the following questions: "What is the answer to this?" and "What can we do?" The answer came almost immediately: that all problems will be solved in the world when people are aligned with and fulfill their true purpose. The vast majority of women are still not there. Still not stepping up into positions that can be scary and uncomfortable but that they know they must do. This is because, in order to balance out the aspect of the masculine that is still unevolved, the evolution of the feminine must continue. Yes, of course, the evolution of some of the masculine is in place and continues. But we all know that the shooting events we've seen and even the actions of many of our government officials are displaying an outdated, unevolved aspect of the masculine that is scared for its survival, and so it must act out in any way that enables it to try to save itself.
But we, as women, cannot continue to sit back and wait for men to take care of things for us "out there" as we have grown so accustomed to and were trained to do. No more of that, please.
Something inside of you is screaming out and telling you that what you see around you is really a mess, and something must be done about it to set it right. This is your Will. This is your Wisdom. This is your Source of power and strength and connection to God. But what we have had to do in the past is shut that Voice up, or else we were chastised, silenced, ridiculed, shamed, and in some instances even killed. This memory of being forced into silence is in your DNA. I know that. I’m a healer. I see it all the time. But it is not time now to succumb to the past and let the future roll as it may. There are children, seniors, and families involved. Even the general health of our communities is being assaulted by this cancerous growth of fear of that “lone gunman” who has ramped up his ammo and his arsenal of machine guns while our “lawmakers” continue to allow this with justifications that make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Remember: 78% of the American population want gun control. But WE are not in control of our democracy--anymore. This is why I return to the teaching from A Course in Miracles that says that as soon as humanity creates a problem, God’s answer already exists. In this case, each and every one of us—man or woman, child or senior—would benefit greatly by simply getting into alignment with what each of us is being called to do, in our own little parts of the world. In this way, you are aligning with God’s plan for the solution to this problem and all the problems we have created.
The particular challenges that women can face are:
Our time has come. Let all the triggers you feel from events going on around you be the impetus for your own change.
September 2023