Have you ever woken up in the morning and said, "OMG, that dream was so real!" And somehow you knew it was trying to communicate something to you?
Suzanne uses knowledge of subconscious symbolism and an understanding of its implications on your life path to interpret your dream. This is an email exchange whereby you send a detailed account of a dream you had, and a response is given within 24 hours. Sometimes there will be questions asked for clarification around what a certain character or location may mean to you, but in general, specific symbols are common throughout the collective unconsciousness field.
Accessing data from your dream information allows you to get a "heads up" on what may be in store for you, or warning signs regarding a certain decision you are making for yourself that may or may not be in your highest interest. This interpretation will assist you in understanding what your soul and spirit are trying to convey.
Write down your dream as soon as you receive it in the morning, and you'll be best prepared. Email to: Dreams
*Eating, drinking or ingesting pharmaceuticals prior to bed will cause a distortion in your subconscious visual system, and these dreams are hardly worth interpreting. My suggestion is to clean up, drink a lot of water, and go to bed early the next night. Everything will be fine after that—and no more grizzly bears will be pursuing you. 🐻